
AI Agents

Blocktrust implemented an AI Chat example, leveraging the standard Chat features in the wallet and a chat service.

To get started (after installing and configuring the Wallet):

  1. Establish a connection to the Agent, by first clicking on the browser action icon for the wallet (with the Blocktrust logo) in the top right corner of your browser.
  2. The browser may prompt you to allow additional permissions, i.e., to read and change your data on the website. Allow this. That will enable this page to become aware of the wallet and then display "Connect to Agent", below.
  3. Press the "Connect to Agent" button, which will start establishing a connection to the wallet (via the respective mediators).
  4. In the wallet popup window, you can accept the connection request by clicking on the "Connect" button (in the Website Requests page).
  5. Then, in the Wallet, navigate to the Chat page and select the blocktrust_agent contact.
  6. Ask your questions!

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