Encryption and Security

Backup and Recovery

To back up your data, you can use the Backup and Restore feature in the wallet.
Note, that for the Alpha releases, the Backup and Restore features are not guaranteed to work reliably or to be forward compatible.

Back Up
From the menu, select Advanced, then Back Up. This will copy the backup data to your clipboard. You can then paste it into a file, which we recommend you store in a secure location, such as a thumb drive. Even with an encrypted backup file, some data is vulnerable to attack, such as a dictionary or brute-force attack on the password.

Frequency of Backups
We recommend that you back up your data frequently, depending on the level and type of user activity. The following is a list of events, following which you should consider backing up your data, listed in order of importance:

  1. Wallet created
  2. Created new DID (profile)
  3. Received new credential
  4. Created new mediator contact
  5. Created new contact
  6. Sent or received chat messages

Restore From the menu, select Advanced, then Restore. This will completely replace your current data with the data from the backup file.